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福建省创华电子科技有限公司(以下简称创华电子)成立于2018年10月,注册资本5000万元。总部坐落于海上丝绸之路起点- 东亚文化之都 福建泉州,现有厂房4000多平方米,员工500人,设有专业的研发部门、经验丰富的管理团队,所有技术人员均是科班出身,拥有踏实的专业技能和丰富的研发生产经验。公司资产雄厚,未来将力争成为年产值达40亿元的电子产品生产企业。 创华电子是一家集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的电子产品生产商,主要产品有分频器、滤波器、稳压电源开关主板等电子产品,成品远销欧洲、美洲、东南亚等地。    公司高度重视质量管理体系的建设,先后通过了GB/T 19001-2016/ISO9001:2015、GB/T28001-2011/OHSAS18001:2007体系认证。公司自成立以来,以市场为导向、人才为根本,坚持科技创新,综合实力不断增强,生产规模日益扩大,各项经济指标一直保持稳健的增长速度。公司产品主要应用于新能源汽车、电子数据处理及办公设备、驱动及控制设备、自动控制设备、通讯设备、医疗设备、军事设备、电力设备、机械制造设备以及各种智能家电。    创华电子把人才作为企业发展的动力源泉,非常重视人才的选、育、用、留。设立了完备的培养机制以帮助每位新成员快速成长,包括基础素质培训、专业技能培训、岗位培训和管理素质培训等。通过打造明确的上升通道和施展能力的平台空间,并提供了全面的保障措施,充分保障每个成员迅速成长。   创华电子始终奉行 真诚合作、自强不息、坚持创新、超越自我、诚实敬业、感恩奉献 的企业宗旨,全力跟随客户需求,不断进行产品创新和服务改进。我们相信:我们是最棒的!我们将致力于成为中国一流的电子科技综合体。 Fujian chuanghua electronics technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as chuanghua electronics) was founded in October 2018 with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. The headquarters is located in quanzhou, fujian province, the starting point of the silk road on the sea -- "the cultural capital of east Asia". It has more than 4000 square meters of factories and 500 employees. It has a professional research and development department and an experienced management team. The company has abundant assets and will strive to become an electronic product manufacturer with an annual output value of 4 billion yuan in the future. Chuanhua electronics co., ltd. is a manufacturer of electronic products integrating r&d, production, sales and service. Its main products include frequency divider, filter, voltage regulator power switch motherboard and other electronic products. Its finished products are exported to Europe, America, southeast Asia and other places. The company attaches great importance to the construction of quality management system, and has successively passed the GB/T 19001-2016/iso9001:2015 and GB/ t28001-2011 / ohsas18001:2007 system certification. Since the establishment of the company, market-oriented, talent as the basis, adhere to scientific and technological innovation, comprehensive strength has been increasing, the production scale has been expanding, the economic indicators have been maintained a steady growth rate. The company's products are mainly used in new energy vehicles, electronic data processing and office equipment, drive and control equipment, automatic control equipment, communication equipment, medical equipment, military equipment, power equipment, machinery manufacturing equipment and various intelligent home appliances. Chuanghua electronics takes talents as the power source of enterprise development and attaches great importance to the selection, cultivation, utilization and retention of talents. A comprehensive training mechanism has been set up to help each new member grow rapidly, including basic quality training, professional skills training, job training and management quality training. By creating a clear way to rise and the platform space to display their ability, and provide a comprehensive guarantee measures, fully ensure the rapid growth of each member. Chuanhua electronics always pursues the enterprise tenet of "sincere cooperation, unremitting self-improvement, innovation, self-transcendence, honesty and dedication, gratitude and dedication", and strives to follow the customer's demand, and constantly carry out product innovation and service improvement. We believe: we are the best! We are committed to becoming a first-class electronic science and technology complex in China. 面试请携带好个人简历及相关证件!!! 福利待遇:1、免费提供住宿(宿舍内每间有独立空调、卫生间、洗澡间、阳台)不扣任何证件;          2、为员工缴纳相关的社会保险;工资按月结算工资,每月15日发放工资;          3、职级以上人员可提供免费午餐、停车位等日常上班保障;          4、节假日福利品发放;          5、夏季防暑降温补贴(物品或现金);          6、工会定时组织趣味活动和运动比赛;          7、评选优秀员工、优秀管理者;          8、不定期组织员工省内旅游;          9、职员级以上人员转正后提供五险一金;         10、职员级薪资按月薪即:基本工资+年终奖金。即工作满一年经考评优秀者可享受年终13薪。(若有变化,以公司薪资管理制度为准) Please bring your resume and relevant certificates for the interview. Benefits: 1. No certificates will be deducted from the accommodation provided free of charge (every dormitory has independent air conditioning, toilet, bath room and balcony); 2. Pay relevant social insurance for employees; Salary shall be paid on the 15th of each month. 3. Staff above the rank level can provide free lunch, parking space and other daily work security; 4. Distribute welfare products during holidays and holidays; 5. Summer heatstroke subsidy (goods or cash); 6. The trade union shall regularly organize interesting activities and sports competitions; 7. Selected excellent employees and excellent managers; 8. Organize employees to travel within the province irregularly; 9. Five social insurance and one housing fund will be provided for staff at or above the staff level after they become regular employees; 10. Staff salary is based on monthly salary: basic salary + year-end bonus. That is, those who have worked well for one year can enjoy 13 annual salary. (if there is any change, the company's salary management system shall prevail)    

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